Every day we are exposed to a variety of environmental toxins and this can lead to chronic conditions and symptoms that can negatively impact us. However, there is a lot we can do to keep ourselves healthy. Here are some tips to help you reduce your exposure to environmental toxins.
Read MoreHow Omega-3-s can improve brain health and help alleviate symptoms in ADHD
Read MoreA guide detailing the foods and products gluten can be found in and tips on how to begin going gluten-free.
Read MoreWhether your child is playing high impact contact sports or not, knowing how to effectively offset the downstream cascade of effects from a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) should be an essential part of your at home treatment. Secondary to the initial event of TBI is potential secondary damage that results from inflammation, oxidative stress due to fee radicals, chemical imbalances due to cytotoxicity and high calcium influx to neurons, loss of circulation, and insufficient oxygenation. All of these lead to permanent tissue and neuron damage if left unchecked.
Read MoreThe age old question for every parent, throughout time….
Read MoreTesting for an MTHFR mutation is a bit of a hot topic in the Functional Medicine community lately. With a fairly simple blood draw or saliva sample, your primary care physician can easily test for the C677T or A1298C mutation.
Read MoreVitamin D levels are very often significantly lower in children with autism and ADHD.
Read MoreFront and center, gut health plays an important role in overall health and immune function. And now researchers are realizing that gut health is very important for brain health and function as well.
Read MoreEnzymes are proteins made by cells in all living organisms including our bodies. They exist in all raw food, so the more raw food you consume, the less your body need’s to produce them. Any type of cooking or processing of food destroys these necessary enzymes, which is one reason supplementing is necessary.
Read MoreIf someone has a sensitivity to a specific food, an IgG (Immunoglobulin G) response occurs in the body. This is different from the IgE response which occurs in an “allergy”. The IgE response activates an immediate release of histamine. However, with the IgG immune response there is still a reaction happening which activates cytokines (immune response chemicals) in the body, though this is very commonly a delayed response and does not have the antigen-antibody response that the IgE reaction does.
Read MoreMagnesium is required in the body for over 350 biochemical reactions! That makes this mineral quite critical in many different ailments and conditions.
Read MoreMany times, children are getting even more sugar than adults. In fact, it is estimated that children between ages of 9-18 may be getting 34 teaspoons of sugar daily!
Added sugar is one of the worst additives to foods today. We all know about “sugar highs” and the short term effects sugar can have on a child’s behavior, but there are many problems associated with excessive sugar intake over time as well.
Read MoreGABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid) is an amino acid that acts as the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in our brain. It is also responsible for keeping all the other neurotransmitters in check. Our brains need a balance of both excitement and inhibition. An unstable balance, or too much excitation will lead to restlessness, insomnia and irritability. GABA helps to balance this out, naturally.
Read MoreChia seeds are tiny black seeds from the plant Salvia Hispanica which is native to South America, and they pack a powerful nutrient punch!
Read MoreFunctional medicine likes to refer to this as the “4R” approach. Remove, Replace, Reinoculate and Repair.
Read MoreParents are surprised to learn that many of their child’s symptoms can actually be contributed to inflammation within their digestive system.
Read MoreMost candy bars only contain about 15% or less of these healthful flavonols, so it is important to eat minimally processed, dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content.
Read MoreSeveral countries require any foods containing food dyes to have warning labels and many are actually banned from use, however, they are still used in the US regularly.
Read MoreAddressing the underlying allergen/cause is most critical in preventing recurring infections.
Read More** While essential oils are typically very safe, they are very potent! They should be used in small quantities (1-2 drops) and usually diluted with a carrier oil. I do not recommend ingesting any essential oils as they can be very powerful and overwhelming for some and some oils can be toxic when ingested. They are best used by diffusing them in the air with a diffuser, rubbing into the bottoms of the feet or on pulse points of wrists and temples, and used on the nape of the neck at the occipital region.
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